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[Press release] Bombs kill humanity - European publishers condemn the Russian attack on Faktor’s printing press in Kharkiv

Yesterday, 23 May, Russian missiles destroyed one of Ukraine’s largest printing presses. The Federation of European Publishers stands in solidarity with Ukrainian colleagues. They send the (...)

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[Press release] The European book sector needs full flexible payment terms to keep thriving

The Federation of European Publishers (FEP) welcomes the adoption of the report on Combating late payment in commercial transactions by the European Parliament today, 23 April 2024. The adopted (...)

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[Press release] Europe becomes a model for the rest of the world in regulating Artificial Intelligence

The Federation of European Publishers (FEP) welcomes the adoption of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act by the European Parliament today, 13 March, with a large majority. The EU now has rules (...)

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European book sector calls for payment flexibility under Late Payment Regulation

The European book sector calls for further flexibility in the Late Payment Regulation, currently under discussion in the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (...)

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FEP Statement on the COREPER adoption of the AI Act

Europe may once again set the world standard following the adoption of the AI Act in COREPER

The Federation of European Publishers (FEP) welcomes the vote in favour of the agreement found on the EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act that took place today at the COREPER. By this vote, (...)

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Creators and Rightsholders Statement on EU AI ACT

We represent a broad coalition of over two hundred organisations in Europe’s creative and cultural sectors, encompassing authors from multiple sectors including music, visual, audiovisual, and (...)

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FEP Manifesto for the EU 2024 elections

At the eve of the 2024 elections, European publishers call on the European Parliament to uphold a vibrant publishing sector, the largest cultural industry in Europe, ensuring that we can continue (...)

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