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FEP Activities- Week 8-12 December

* EC/Education in a digital era
* EC/ Meeting at the EC with educational publishers
* EP/ ECR hearing on digital single market at the EP
* EP/ Meeting with MEP Ehler and follow-up meeting with (...)

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FEP Activities- week 1-5 December

* EP &EC/Launch of EY study on Cultural and Creative Industries in the EU
* EC/ Workshop ‘Open Standards for ICT Procurement’
* EC/Meeting with Jean Bergevin, Head of Enforcement Unit
* (...)

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FEP Activities- Week 17-21 Nov & Week 24-28 Nov

Week 17-21 Nov
* EP/ CW! Workshop on how to make a film
* EC/ Meeting with STM and the copyright unit
* EC/ Meetings with the European Commission with the Frankfurt Book Fair
* EC/ (...)

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EU Grants for Translation- Call is now published

The new call for the EU grants for translation is now opened. Deadline for application is 4th February 2015. You can see the call here
For more information, please contact (...)

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Henrique Mota, FEP Vice-President "Copyright preserves cultural diversity, and with it a European identity deeply-rooted in its versatility"

A new study published by EY " Creating growth- Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EU" was released on the 2nd of December. The comprehensive study which analyses 11 sectors of CCIs (...)

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Fourth edition of the Author-Publisher Dialogues

The fourth edition of the Dialogues took place on 26th November 2014, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Attended by FEP members and MEPs, policy advisors and assistants, the event (...)

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FEP Activities- Weeks 3-7 November & 10-14 November

* EP/ EWC meeting in the EP - the value of Writers’ Works
* EP/ Culture Committee Meeting
* EP/ Meeting with assistants of MEPs Pavel Swoboda (EPP, PL), Chair of JURI committee; Constance Le (...)

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Passion Edition by the Syndicat National de l’Edition and Web TV Culture

In this short clip produced by the Syndicat National de l’Edition and Web TV Culture, the presidents of the Syndicat committees and groups talk about their passion for publishing, their (...)

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FEP Activities- week 27-31 October

EP/Meeting with assistant MEP Grammatikakis (S&D, GR)
Brussels/European conference Publishing on the Move
Brussels/ Creativity Works! Plenary
OHIM/Plenary meeting of the Observatory on IPR (...)

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FEP Activities- Week 13-17 October

• EP/ EIF Programming Committee Meeting • EP/ EIF Study Visit to Milan • EP/ Meeting with MEP Trüpel (Green, DE) • EP/ Meeting with MEP Pascal Arimont (BE, EPP) • EP/ Meeting with Mady Delvaux (LU, (...)

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