
FEP is an independent, non-commercial umbrella association of book publishers’ associations in Europe. FEP represents 29 national associations of publishers of books, learned journals and (...)

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President Mr Ricardo Franco Levi
Vice-President Ms Sonia Draga President of the Polish Chamber of Books (PIK - Polska Izba Książki) sonia.draga(a)
Treasurer Mr Phaedon G Kidoniatis (...)

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The Federation of European Publishers (FEP) first saw the light of day - under a different name - on 19th January 1967.
1958 First consideration about monitoring European matters.
1967 GELC (...)

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On 20 March 2015, FEP launched a campaign #CopyrightforFreedom at the Paris Book Fair.
One month later, we have launched a petition online to gather support to creation through support to (...)

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Declaration of Principles

Declaration of Principles of the Federation of European Publishers.

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Brussels Office

Director Anne Bergman-Tahon abergman[a]
Deputy Director Enrico Turrin eturrin[a]
Legal Advisor Quentin Deschandelliers qdeschandelliers[a]
Communications (...)

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Job opportunities