
FEP is an independent, non-commercial umbrella association of book publishers’ associations in Europe. FEP represents 31 national associations of publishers of books, learned journals and educational materials, in all formats, in Europe. FEP is the voice of the great majority of publishers in Europe.

Founded in 1967, FEP deals with European legislation and advises publishers’ associations on copyright and other legislative issues.

The book is the first cultural industry in Europe with an annual sales revenue of book publishers of approximately € 23.9 billion according to a survey conducted by FEP for the year 2022.

A total of about 575,000 new titles were issued by publishers in 2022, and more than half a million people are employed full-time in the entire book value chain (more information about the book publishing statistics is in the dedicated section).

These figures show the importance of the publishing industry in terms of innovation, growth and employment in Europe. The book industry is a key player in the knowledge society and economy and contributes actively to achieving the Lisbon Agenda goals.