To inspire and engage Young Publishing Professionals (YPP) from as many FEP member countries as possible, involve them in the overall European idea and the defence of industry values, such as freedom of expression. To enable networking among the YPPs and with FEP and to motivate them to carry the torch of FEP’s vision and aims to their home countries, organisations, and peer groups. Furthermore, to put YPPs in the position to tie first contacts to Members of Parliament in Brussels and subsequently to find the next generation of publishing professionals to support national and FEP’s advocacy work in the future.

September 2019 Calendar Week 39,
EP committee week

Perspective: annual event each year / each crew with different participants

in Brussels FEP office, Representation of the Land Hessen, European Parliament and the European Commission

Young Publishing Professionals from publishing houses in the FEP Member States
- Per year/ Per crew: maximum two YPP per member/ PA
- PA is responsible for the respective selection process
- PA asks members to suggest YPP – promising YPP who might potentially be interested in supporting FEP’s advocacy work in the future
- age bracket (max 35 years)

FEP team, FEP Board, FEP members are cordially invited to join

The respective publishing house or the PA to cover travel costs and accommodation for the YPPs
FEP to cover a dinner and a lunch for the participants
FEP to provide the manpower to organise the programme and make a block booking in an hotel

The Frankfurt Book Fair would like to support the programme and are offering the following for 2019:
-  Every YPP gets a Trade visitor weekly ticket for FBF 2019
-  Every YPP is invited to the exclusive “Young Talent” Reception at FBF on Wednesday 16 October. ( 18h at the Business Club). It is the ceremony where young talents from the FBF programme are awarded (Young Excellence Award). It is supported by 8 media partners from 8 countries (US, Brasil, Germany, CH, Spain, Netherlands, UK, China). FEP YPP will have the opportunity to mingle, to get in contact with other young publishing professionals from the international publishing scene.

Day 1, 23 September 2019
Arrival late morning/ early afternoon

14.00 Welcome at the Hessen Representation in Brussels Presentation of FEP’s work: FEP Staff and FEP Board & members Who are we? What do we do? What are the priorities of the new Commission? How can YPPs support us?

17.00 Visit of a bookshop (tbc)/alternatively visit of the House of European History

18.00 Dinner with FEP team and Board

Day 2, 24 September 2019
9-11 Official visit to the EP

11.30 Meeting at the Coffee Bar in the Parliament MEPs to mingle with the group
Possible options (to be decided with the feedback of MEPs)
a. book a room for the whole group different MEPs to give an overview of their priorities, Q&A
b. split the group - MEPs to invite smaller groups to their offices
**FEP team & members to accompany the group

13.00 Lunch

15.00 Official visit to the Commission - Welcome by a Commissioner or DG Official

19.30 Free evening

Day 3, 25 September 2019