PRESS RELEASE- FEP welcomes the adoption of the Horizon Europe reports in the European Parliament
The Federation of European Publishers welcomes the adoption on 21 November of the two reports on the Horizon Europe funding programme in the Industry Committee of the European Parliament. The proposal to establish an Inclusive and Creative Society cluster within the programme is a strong recognition of the potential of the cultural and creative sectors for innovation and growth.
At the same time, the inclusion of an objective to support the development of new technologies which facilitate the access and the full participation of persons with disabilities to a truly inclusive society will hopefully lead to underpinning initiatives that strengthen the capacities of the cultural and creative industries to meet their objectives and requirements in this area.
“Our gratitude goes to the rapporteurs, MEP Dan Nica and MEP Christian Ehler, who introduced these valuable elements in their reports and who made an excellent job in finding viable compromises, and also to all the Members of Parliament who supported them”, said Rudy Vanschoonbeek, President of FEP.
FEP now would like to call for the co-legislators to reach a swift agreement on this essential file, while preserving its valuable elements aimed at stimulating the innovative potential of the cultural and creative industries in Europe.
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