Reaction of the Federation of European Publishers on the Communication on the Digital Single Market Strategy published today (6/05/2015)


FEP welcomes the Commission’s goal to create the right conditions for digital services to flourish: ‘This requires (…) secure and trustworthy infrastructures and content services, supported by the right regulatory conditions for innovation, investment, fair competition and a level playing field’.

Publishers’ main objective is to disseminate books they publish to the widest possible public. Hence they welcome ‘simplified and modern rules for online and digital cross-border purchases encouraging more businesses to sell online across borders’.
The DSM strategy reads that ‘copyright underpins creativity and the cultural industry in Europe’. And the ‘The EU strongly relies on creativity to compete globally and is a world leader in certain copyright-intensive sectors’ This is definitely the case for publishing, with seven out of the ten largest publishers being European companies.
FEP members stand ready as they have already done in the past, to support the EC thorough evaluation of the need for greater certainty around copyright before any legislative proposals are drafted in order to ‘propose solutions which maximise the offers available to users and open up new opportunities for content creators while preserving the financing of (…) innovative content’.
With regards to taxation, FEP notes with appreciation that ‘the Commission is working to minimise burdens attached to cross-border e-commerce arising from different VAT regimes (…). The Commission will also explore how to address the tax treatment of certain e-services such as digital books and online publications, in the context of the general VAT reform’. Also that ‘in addition, as regards direct taxation, the Commission will shortly present an Action Plan on a renewed approach for corporate taxation in the Single market, under which profits should be taxed where the value is generated, including in the digital economy.’
FEP will also be working with the EC in its assessment of the role of the platforms.
The Federation of European Publishers represents 28 national books and learned journals’ publishers association in Europe.

  • All the quotes come from the DSM strategy published this 6 May 2015
Press Release (6/05/2015)