

All across Europe, people are discovering another way of dealing with time and leisure. Reading books can help escaping the reality, discovering new horizons or learning new skills. European publishers have encouraged reading at home, through various campaigns. On this page, we will regularly update you with the # used by FEP member associations.

Authors, publishers and booksellers are facing very tough times ahead (and experiencing them already). If the COVID 19 crisis can help people rediscover the joy of reading, then maybe in the future, when we are back to normality, this habit will stay with them.

Support the books trade, post the book you are reading, a picture of you reading, or something related to reading with the # below and encourage more reading.

Belgium – Flanders - #ikleesthuis & #ikverspreidhetleesvirus
Germany - #StayAtHomeReadABook https://www.jetzteinbuch.de/downloads/
Greece - #ταξιδεύουμεμεέναβιβλίο
Italy - www.ioleggoperche.it #ioleggoperché #leggiamounastoria
Latvia - #lasamgramatasmajas
Lithuania #skaitaupalaikau #liknamiesuknyga
Poland - #TerazCzasNaCzytanie
Portugal #leyaemcasa #lerdoceler
Romania - #citimacasa
Sweden #hemmamedenbok
The Netherlands #ikleesthuis