PRESS RELEASE - Adoption of DSM Directive by the Council
FEP welcomes the adoption of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market by the European Union Member States at the Agricultural Council.
FEP President, Rudy Vanschoonbeek said After two and a half years of discussions and votes on the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single market, the Council has approuved the text adopted last 25 March by the Parliament. Upon signatures by the Presidents of the Council and the Parliament, it will be published in the official Journal and come into force 24 months later. If you are looking to develop solutions for your authors and readers, the adoption means that you can work constructively with researchers, teachers, libraries and of course your authors to establish, if they don’t exist yet, results that will benefit all. As President of FEP, I wish to thank everyone who has contributed to the debate with a spirit of consensus and driven by the will to bring forward solutions.
FEP has already started reaching to stakeholders ahead of the implementation to promote positive solutions to facilitate access to works and sustain the book sector.
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