TDM opt-out protocol

On 5 June, FEP co-organised a webinar with AIE and EDRLab on the machine-readable Text and Data Mining (TDM) Protocol that was developed to allow publishers to opt-out of their works from TDM (...)

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FEP position paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

On the occasion of its General Assembly in Paris on 15 June, the Federation of European Publishers members adopted a position paper on Artificial Intelligence. The paper stresses the (...)

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FEP closely follows the discussions around geo-blocking, as it directly impacts the commercial sustainability of European publishers. Geo-blocking primarily designates the practice of limiting (...)

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The EU is a major trade power due to the importance of the European Single Market and therefore concluded, or is negotiating, trade agreements with countries and regions all around the world. (...)

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Offering the chance to all citizens to have access to the books we publish is now made easier by appropriate technology developed together by representatives of the Visually Impaired Persons’ (...)

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After the Directive (EU) 2018/1713 entered into force at the end of 2018, a wave of adoption of reduced rates of VAT on digital publications followed across Europe; made possible by the (...)

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FEP follows initiatives and discussions that affect the educational publishing sector. Though education is an area in which the EU has no legislative power, modernisation of education is high on (...)

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FEP is active on European initiatives and discussions related to copyright, which is core to publishers’ activities and to the sustainability of the overall publishing sector. The protection of (...)

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